Tuber Magnatum Pico
It is surely one of the most valuable and rare products that we can use in the kitchen.The specific environmental and climatic conditions that encourage growth, make its presence rare and the habitat especially delicate, where any small change can make unfruitful the truffle ground.
PERIDIUM: smooth, color ochre light, sometimes greenish
GLEBA: color nut-brown, with thin veins
SMELL: very strong and aromatics, unmistakable
SYMBIOTIC PLANTS: oak, poplar, willow, linden
HARVEST TIME: 1 October – 31 December
Tuber Melanosporum Vittadini
The warts that cover the outer surface are smaller and less pronounced than those of summer black truffle, similar in appearance. The smell is fruity and intense. It grows in the hilly and mountainous areas in symbiosis with hazels, oaks and the farnia. Internal color tends to red tones.
After the white truffle, is considered the most commercially valuable and one of the protagonist in the international cuisine.
PERIDIUM: brown, with small warts
GLEBA: dark, with small veins
SMELL: sweet, pleasant and intense
SYMBIOTIC PLANTS: hazel, oak and farnia
HARVEST TIME: 15 November – 15 March
Tuber Aestivum Vittadini
It is brown colored and the outer surface is covered with pyramidal warts, it has delicate and aromatic flavor. It grows in sandy or clay soil, usually of broad leaf forest, but can also be found in the pine forests.
PERIDIUM: brown, with evident pyramidal warts
GLEBA: marbled dark, clear when is unripe
SMELL: delicate and pleasant
SYMBIOTIC PLANTS: broadleaf and conifers
HARVEST TIME: 1 May – 30 August
Tuber Borchii Vittadini
Its peridiumis smooth and thecoloris off white ,slightly darker in the gleba when it reaches maturity. The feature that distinguishes it from white truffle is the smell, less intense and more garlicky. It grows in calcareous lands.
PERIDIUM: similar to the rare white truffle but darker
GLEBA: darker than rare white truffle, with larger veins
SMELL: less intense than the white truffle and more garlicky
SYMBIOTIC PLANTS: broadleaf and conifers
HARVEST TIME: 15 January – 31 March
Tuber Uncinatum
Similar to Tuber Aestivum with more pleasing and intense odor The name of this truffle is derived from its hook shaped spores. Its odor resembles that of a hazelnut . It ripens all year round but mostly from September to December. In Italy, it is found most frequently in central and northern zones. Wooden and humid areas, not exposed to the sun.
PERIDIUM: hook shaped spores
GLEBA: darker than summer truffle, almost black when mature
SMELL: halzenut, porcini, stronger than summer truffle
SYMBIOTIC PLANTS: oak, poplar, hazel
HARVEST TIME: 1 October – 31 December
Tuber Brumale
Similar to the Black Mesentricum but with very small and flat warts. Interior color tends to blu/violet, compared to the Mesentricum which has red shades.
PERIDIUM: black iron, with small and flat warts
GLEBA: grey almost black with large white veins
SMELL: strong, unripened helzenut, musk
HARVEST TIME: 15 November – 15 March